3 Things About Throwback CIFA Project: A Way For Cheering Up My Day Amid The Pandemic


You may know a popular hashtag #throwbackthursday when people post an old picture on Thursday. It’s been a trend since the past few years. 

Recently, I’ve just finished an unplanned project on my social media. It was related to a throwback, precisely similar to #throwbackthursday. Last year, I had some marvelous journeys throughout the year. One of them was the adventure in France through a summer exchange program called AMICIF. In one month, I had a chance to explore Deux-Sèvres department, a region in France’s west. With 22 youth from 18 countries, we were gathered in one group named CIFA. we had memorable moments throughout the event. On June 29th, it marked one year of that unforgettable journey. Thus, in the whole month of July, I decided to post photos with the topic Throwback CIFA.

Throwback CIFA content

I made one or two content every day with four pictures in a collage. The photos were the exact same date as I took last year and I write it with a few captions. 

As I regularly shared some content of Throwback CIFA into an Instagram story, I was feeling some kind of pleasant feeling every time I created and posted the content. I was wondering why. Thus, I did some research about throwback or the exact term is nostalgia and I found some interesting facts about it. According to Psych Central, nostalgia is indeed bringing some benefit, particularly to our psychological well-being. Here’s the fact and it helps me boost my day!

1. Reconnect With Particular Friends

During my project, as it was particularly dedicated to one event, I received many messages from my CIFAmille (CIFA family). Though we are all connected in our social media, we rarely have some conversation on it. Hence, reconnecting with them makes me thrilled. 

Apparently, there was some sort of reconnection through this throwback.  A quick reaction with a sticker on the reply section, a short message in the specific photo, a conversation through direct message feature, and even an online reunion with all members through Zoom in mid of July. On this online reunion, they even praised me for sharing the throwback. It is surely a great way to remember our precious moments. 

It is true that social connectedness is strengthened through specific moments with some particular people. Especially, in the time that we are isolated within this pandemic. I realize how the borderless days I spent with everyone were priceless.       

2. Recharge Energy for Pursuing The Next Goals 

2019 was the best year so far for me. One month in my dream country made me the happiest human-being at that time. As I selecting which photo to upload in content, I remember how it was really hard to get there. I remember the ups and downs of learning french and slowly fulfilling each requirement of the program. 

Honestly, this year I also have a goal to pursue, but I got discouraged often. It gets worse as we have the ongoing pandemic this year. Yet, the worst is I keep comparing my self to other people's achievements with a similar goal as mine. Nevertheless, as I scrolled the memories through photos, it recalls me that good things take time.    

Thus, as I keep reminiscing one dream that has been come true, it gives me the courage to deliver the same effort and more for other goals. 

3. Maintain The Positive Moods In This Hard Situation 

2020 is surely hit us hard with an unprecedented situation. Personally, it also affects my mental condition. Nothing works well these past months and it feels like I'm pushed back to the cliff after I took 3 steps from its edge. It is indeed hard. 

So, in order to keep my self sane, I made my self busy with this throwback and other writing projects. Revisiting the moments in France really brings up my mood. There was a moment when I spent two days for solo traveling in Paris and I still feel the atmosphere of a challenging journey as I swipe each picture.  This kind of feeling is what I  enjoy the most during this project. It helps me maintain the positive mood during this hard time. 


Those are 3 things, particularly benefits that I gained after completing the Throwback CIFA project. Actually, we can encounter nostalgia unpredictably and regularly. It is as simple as we play one song and it reminds us of someone or passing through a place that we went with friends a long time ago, then the memory plays.

 For me, this project is not only to celebrate the 1st anniversary of one achievement. Aside from it, Throwback CIFA is simply made for cheering up my day amid this pandemic.   
